Tech News

MusicLM – a tool generating text to music

Google is currently inviting early testers to try out MusicLM, an innovative tool that transforms written prompts into music. This experimental technology is being offered through AI Test Kitchen, which serves as Google’s testing platform for AI advancements.

Paul Couvert, an AI educator, recently shared a comprehensive Twitter guide on how to enroll for MusicLM and experience the AI tool firsthand. Couvert explained that MusicLM is currently in its experimental stage and is being offered by Google as a beta demo. If you’re interested in trying it out, here are the step-by-step instructions he provided:

How to produce your first song

Once you have clicked on the “MUSICLM” button, you will be directed to a text field. In this field, you can describe what kind of music you want the AI to generate. Provide a clear and concise description of your desired music, such as the genre, mood, tempo, or any specific elements you would like to include.

After entering your description, the AI takes over and processes your input. It will generate two different tracks based on the information you provided. The AI utilizes its algorithms and machine learning capabilities to compose unique music tailored to your description.

Once the tracks are generated, you can proceed to download them. Look for three dots or an ellipsis symbol near the tracks, typically indicating a menu or options. Click on the three dots, and a download option should be available. Select the download option, and your music files will be saved to your device, allowing you to listen and enjoy the created tracks.

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